After an anxious year of waiting, I got that agic package from CT. Since I already had two sonics from CT (9th Doctor's Deluxe Ceramic, and 10th Doctor's Ultimate), I knew it was going to be excellent. To paraphrase the Doctor beside River's hospital bed, no, it was going to be amazing.
First, there is the metal case with the Seal of Rassilon. Then when you open it, there, resting snugly, is the sonic. And it looks fantastic.
You pick it and and realise it has some weight. It feels real, as if you can point and think and it will work. And then you start to look closely at it, before you even flick it once.
Look at the four tines, surrounding the green lens. Now, slowly turn it. Each tine is exactly positioned like the others. No irregularities in spacing. They are spot on, identically aligned. Go ahead, now give it a flick. Hear the snap, just like you hear when the Doctor flicks it. No Foley artist needed. Once again, slowly rotate it and see how each tine extends like the others. Next, gather up the tines and push them back into place, just like you saw it when you picked it up. And see how the tines are all perfectly back in place.
Now start going down the sonic with your eyes. The copper, with a patina that says this is the real deal. The fine cross-hatching on the sliding arms. That soft leather that makes holding the sonic so comfortable. Don't press the button yet, but continue down looking at the detail, until you reach the bottom copper cap. It opens and when you close it it stays closed. This sonic looks like it has served a Time Lord well.
Okay, you've waited long enough. Time to be a Doctor. Pick up the sonic, point it, press the button as if you are giving something a scan, then flick it open to act like you're reading information displayed that only a Gallifreyan can understand. Cool, isn't it?
Did you hear the sonic? Because, despite all the comments about it being muffled, you can. There are no extra holes in the leather. Will it be heard across the crowded room? Maybe not, but you'll hear it, as will people close up.
Regarding flicking. I admit I was concerned if it might be a bit fragile. After you flick it and close it up once, you know it's going to last. I had never encountered a prop with moving parts like this that ever felt this solid. At the same time, don't go throwing it around or giving it to your kid to play Doctor! Treat it with respect (okay, #flicklikeabastard) and this sonic is going to last for a very long time.
There are other 11th/12th sonics out there. They cost a lot less. But you get what you pay for. Because I travel, I rank them like the airlines rank seats. The toys are coach. With all due respect, because he builds and maintains the actual props, I consider Rubbertoe to be business
class. Very good quality, but with drawbacks you can notice. The CT sonic is first class,
and I would say even Emirates First Class (you know, with the private shower?). The tines align perfectly each time, the flick is solid and sounds just like on the show, it feels right.
If you can afford it, you have to get this one. Once you go CT, you never go back.
And if CT builds additional sonics, I know I'll queue up, because I know it will be... amazing.
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